Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Love You

I have 3 words for you. I Love You. I love these words. They define me. I hate it when people tell random people that they don't hardly even know, that they love them. Love is not just an adjective its a noun a verb a pronoun a everything. Why would you want to tell everyone that you love them when you don't know them? Yeah, God does say to love everyone but that does not mean tell some strange person that you love them. Maybe you do but oh well. I (being the strange one that i am) don't tell i love you to anyone. If i love you then I'll say it. Its not often. If i do love you..a lot...then you will hear it a lot , and then just the opposite.
Its just like money in my mind. If people kept on making money, just non stop making money then yes everyone would have millions of dollar bills but they wouldn't be worth as much. see? If i say i love you to everyone i see then when i really really love someone it does not mean as much because everyone hears it. Well there is my spill.
word up ;)
Heather <3


beccaboo said...

I like the whole million dollars thing. very good analogy =)

kaylearoberts said...

very nice. i love this. so true. :D

p.s. i love you. :)