Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ripple Effect

Sometimes opportunities come knocking at the door and you can't decide whether or not to answer and let them come in or just ignore it. Sometimes you are told one thing and then shown another. Sometimes you are just confused. My life is wonderful right now and I wouldn't complain because in a whole, I'm just happy. This is how I normally am. But inside my head, i have those little wheels and gears turning and nothing in there really makes sense. Its mostly just fairy tales and my wonder full imagination of great or horrible things that could happen.I though, am a risk taker. That doesn't mean I'm always doing bad things but i like to try new foods or new people or new places. I have a problem though, I become shy and quiet around the people I know the absolute best. I could walk up to any (normal looking) person and carry on a conversation, then walk off with someone very close and be speechless.
I guess what it is, is that I will most likely never see that person for a long time or ever again. So i could talk about anything. But anything and everything i say in front of someone close to me well they could hold that against me for my entire life. I'm not saying at all that i don't talk to my best friends or family. I do. A lot. I could talk for hours to them. I guess my point that I'm trying to make is that I like to keep a lot of myself between me, my head, and God. He won't hold anything against me ever. My closest peoples wouldn't but as i have come to realize, people aren't your friend forever. They move or die or change schools or something. Or simply just starting hating each other and never speak again :P. So I'm not going to give away all my problems and issues for people to think about when its either A. none of there business
B. they have to big of a mouth
or C. Secrets are called secrets for a reason.
:) I know this was kinda random but hey its a BLOG right??



beccaboo said...

hey dear. I love your blog, first off.
secondly... just cuz you post something that may scare someone or offend them doesn't mean you have to delete it. it's YOUR blog. I'm not saying you should publicly dis people on here (not that you would) or anything... just... well remember that this is your place to vent. =)

Painted Rain said...

Thanks your right i guess. it was mainly that someone didn't like it.. and thought i was going i removed it. but yeah your right. i have nothing else to vent on anymore...